The Little Blue Pill For Business

It’s all about getting it up and keeping it up in business.  Yes, we’re talking about profit and revenue and you know that’s all about the 6 inches between your ears.  Join your host Michelle Nedelec while she interviews some of the hottest people in the industry who are blowing and going and
want to help you get some action.

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Episodes are published weekly, I do like it when you're screaming out for more so be sure to rate and review the show.   In the meanwhile I'll be sure to titillate and tantalize you with just enough to keep you coming back for more. 

Michelle Nedelec

Business Strategist
Hostess of
The Little Blue Pill
For Business

Want to Get It Up in Your Business?
Book Your Free Strategy Call

Are you sick and tired of coaches that have a "X" step plan for building your business that you know fucking well isn't going to work?  
Are you exasperated by coaches that think it's all about accountability and really have nothing more than that to offer? 

Ok, seriously, are you ready for a no bull shit approach to figuring out what you have to do, putting the spotlight on it and getting shit done?

Ya, I don't think so.

What You’ll Do Before the Call

Put a list of goals and objectives together, detail why you don't think those things aren't done yet (or the way you want them done) and what you think you need to acheive them. 

What Happens During the Call

During the call I'm going to ask you a lot more questions about your business, the top of your head answers will be perfect. We'll come up with a game plan to achieve your goals. 

What Changes After the Call

You'll have a plan of attack for achieving your goal.  If you're good to go with that, then that's awesome!  If you want a coach and we're a good fit meaning we both see things working in your favor, then we're off to the races!  I'm good either way!

About Michelle Nedelec

International bestselling author, Michelle Nedelec is an expert in Entrepreneurialism and the founder of Awareness Strategies.  She’s run her own series of companies for over 22 years and for over 15 years has been helping Managers and Executives to continually double their profits and revenues. She not only has what it takes to help her clients build million dollar businesses, but she does it time and time again.  Michelle particularly loves to talk about Marketing Automation, Systems Integration and support both on and off of the stage. She teaches the key components of business: Strategy, Systems, Support and State of Mind so you know how to continually elevate all four components to build a healthy thriving business.  For the past 6 years she’s been focusing on helping entrepreneurs bring their businesses online from conceptualization to Done For You IT automation.  

And, then there's her personality.  

How I Operate:

The way I see it I have three jobs to do:

  1. Figure out the 1 thing you need to be working on to make your business grow.
  2. Help you figure out the resources you need to make that happen. 
  3. Get your head out of your ass, when need be, to make that happen. 

Fortunately for you, I have the skills to do all three and no it's not just, "Go do this.  You haven't done it? What the hell is your problem?" 

In fact, it'll never be that way with me.  I know that there's alway a benefit to you as to why you do the things you do.  That's why I incoporate a process I developed called Success Therapy to help you rewrite your mind's programming and help you effortlessly move forward with new beliefs that you choose, that support you and your goals. 

I know there's a lot to it, but that's why I'm happy to have a consultation with you to figure out where you're at and whether or not we're a good fit for each other. 

Why Have a 
Free Consultation Call?

Not everyone is a personality match.  I totally get that.  
I'm not saying you have to have your mind in the gutter all the time, although I usually do.
I'm saying that you need to leave your ego at the door and be ready to look honestly at

Your Strategies, Systems, Support and State of Mind

Because I'm going to be opening the komono and looking at everything you got going on.
The good, the bad and the ugly.
There's no room to be shy here and everything is up for discussion.


Lifestyle Business Coach

Clearly, she's got a wicked sense of humour, and she also knows her shit. Michelle's knows how to get to the heart of your issues so you can get shit done.

Shia Fishman

Real Estate Financeer

"Sometimes it takes a twisted mind to understand and sort through another twisted mind. It might sound frightening, but she gets me and she somehow knows how to navigate my brain and I always come out ahead. I highly recommend Michelle for entrepreneurs and executives with ADD or squirrel!."

Ryan schoel

The Costume Shoppe

Michelle's been phenomenal at helping me get my business running like a business and continues to help me get my head in the right space.  She helps me clarify my goals so they're at the point that I can take clear concise action. 

What Are You Waiting For? Let’s Improve Your Revenue!