January 17

Don’t Suck – Fern Chan

Do you suck? ... At presentations, of course.

In this episode of the Little Blue Pill for Business Podcast I interviewed Fern Chan. Fern is an educator & an author. She helps people create more fun and less boring presentations. Fern helps them engage their audience and feel more confident sharing message knowing that it will make an impact. In this interview she spoke about how to present, what mistakes to avoid & also shared a funny story about a mom that is happy to offend. Fern shared some tips that can help you straight away! Learn what sucks & why sucking is not good, at least when it comes to presenting. Check this out!

Fern Chan Website: https://fernchan.com/

Fern Chan LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fernchan/

Book a call with Michelle: https://www.AwarenessStrategies.com/m30

Join our Facebook group for business owners to get help or help other business owners! The Business Ownership Group - Secrets to Scaling: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessownershipsecretstoscaling

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