May 23

The Mouse in The Room – David Wood

Are you having a mouse in the room...or , even worse, in the bedroom?

In this episode of the Little Blue Pill for Business Podcast I interviewed amazing David Wood!

David is a former consulting actuary to Fortune 100 companies.

He built the world’s largest coaching business, becoming #1 on Google for life coaching and coaching thousands of hours in 12 countries around the globe.

As well as helping others, David is no stranger to overcoming challenges himself, having survived a full collapse of his paraglider and a fractured spine, witnessing the death of his sister at age seven, anxiety and depression, and a national Gong Show!

He helps business owners and leaders become the badass leaders people want to follow, creating more authenticity, connection, confidence, and revenue.

Learn how to become more successful & happy by being you, by pushing your comfort zone and... how to get rid of the mouse!

Check this out!

Gong Show:

The Mouse in The Room Book:

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